Trinker Family

Owners Borgo La Stella


Borgo la Stella

The Borgo la Stella vineyard extends over more than 16 hectares in the beautiful Chianti Classico region, lying between Vagliagli and Castellina in Chianti, where the tradition of wine and olive oil production is embedded for centuries.

A great part of the property is mostly terraced with a unique view. This form of cultivation is sadly becoming increasingly rare in the hills of Tuscany because of the high labour cost associated with it.

The soil of the vineyard in Borgo la Stella i typical for the Chianti Classico region.The soil tend to be clayey and interspersed with a content of skeletal materials which contain limestone in « Alberese » and « Galestro » formations. The (shell fish) lime content of our soil layers is decisive in creating red wines with refinement, sensuality and harmonious tannin balance.
The grape varieties planted follow the principles of the azienda to preserve the wine-growing tradition of the Chianti Classico region, whilst at the same time leaving room for a controlled degree of innovation. Based on this approach the Borgo la Stella vineyard favours cultivation of the Sangiovese grape variety. This ampelographic choice is systematically completed with Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon The area under cultivation currently covers about 6 hectares.

The distinctive feature of Borgo la Stella is tied to a great extend to the cultivation of the Sangiovese  grape according to the ancient «  Lucernica system ». This system uses high  cultivation density with over 9000 vines per hectare and therefore a low yield of only two to three bunches per vine.This onerous system allows us to obtain a grape of best  concentration to produce wines of highest quality.

The management of Borgo la Stella is focused to prohibit all applications of herbicides and insecticides.

Borgo la Stella produces since 2009 a range of wines which range from Rosato to Chianti Classico,Chianti Classico Riserva and IGT Tuscany wines based on Sangiovese, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon. As from 2019 also Chianti Classico Gran Selezione will be available.

The philosophy of Borgo la Stella is to give  privilege to finesse, freshness of the fruit,gustatory elegance and drinkability of  all  its wines.To obtain this objective the azienda is making every effort to limit the excess of concentration of alcoholic content and excessive structure.

  • Vendita diretta di prodotti aziendali
    9.00 – 12.00 14.00 – 17.00
  • Ettari totali di terreno
  • Ettari a vigneto
    5 (di cui 2.5 iscritti a Chianti Classico)
  • Produzione enologica
